Welcome back Eternal Vision!

Welcome back Eternal Vision! Everyone is invited to stay and eat lunch after the service.  There will be no evening   service tonight.

Today is Joash Chest Sunday. All funds collected go toward our building upkeep. You can read about King Joash in 2 Kings 12:4-5. He collected funds to repair the temple.

The National Day of Prayer will be observed this Thursday at the courthouse gazebo. Bring a lawn chair at noon and join others from all over Putnam County.  Prayers are led by community leaders for schools, government, law enforcement, first responders, etc. 

Join us this Wednesday evening at 6:30 for our continuing study of the book of John led by Rev. C. J. Moore.

We are selling rib slab tickets. The cooks will have them ready this Saturday, May 8, between 11 am and 2 pm at NAPA Auto Parts, 3001 Reid Street in Palatka. Each slab is $20.