Vacation Bible School is coming up in just three weeks!

Last week’s special offering raised $406.00 for the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. Thank you for giving to change the life of One More Child in 2018!

Hillcrest Academy’s Awards Night and Graduation will be this Thursday evening at 6:30. The whole church is invited to come help them celebrate their accomplishments.

Vacation Bible School is coming up in just three weeks!  The theme this year is “Country Junction”. Emily Smith is planning to lead all the children in one large group lesson. Then they will go to arts and crafts, music and outdoor game time. It’s planned for June 10 through June 14 from 6 to 8:30 pm. There will be a brief organizational meeting next Sunday immediately after the morning worship.

The ladies will cook breakfast for the men on Father’s Day, June 17, 2018.