This Wednesday is our monthly business meeting

This Wednesday is our monthly business meeting after the Bible Study and prayer.

Bill and Janice Wall are celebrating 50 years of marriage this   Saturday at 10:30 am at the Ravine Gardens. Everyone is invited and a sign up sheet is on the table in the foyer so they will know how many to expect. See the announcement attached to the sign up sheet for full details.

Next Sunday is our annual Mission Dignity Emphasis. Pray about your ability to assist with those who have served God so well.

Below is a link to sign kids up for free summer bowling. It’s for ages up to 15 for two free games a day every week day. It is a   nation wide program and the Palatka bowling alley is participating. Go to Kids Bowl Free All Summer Long!

July events include Pastor and Roberta’s ministry anniversary, a putt putt golf/dinner trip and a church council meeting to plan more events.