There will be a prayer rally on September 11 at noon at the courthouse gazebo

The Maguire State Mission offering goal this year is $830,000. The mission offering supports Southern Baptist missionaries in Florida. Please pray for the outreach to Florida residents. Your opportunity to assist continues today and runs the next two weeks.

There will be a prayer rally on September 11 at noon at the gazebo on the courthouse lawn in downtown Palatka. Those who lost their lives on 9/11/01 will be remembered and prayer for our nation will be lifted up.

The school board of Hillcrest Academy meets this Thursday evening at 6:30 here at the church. All are welcome, board members are needed.

Our homecoming is October 7. Help spread the word to former members, friends and family. We will have a clean up and yard work day on September 29 and October 6 beginning at 8 am.

Choir practice is 5:30 pm each Sunday evening and we need more voices. Come help us lift praise to our Lord.