The RUGGED Youth group will be hosting dinner on June 14 at 5PM

There will be a deacon’s meeting after the evening worship service.

Thursday evening there will be a school board meeting at 6:30 pm.

A second choir practice with other churches and guests will be Saturday, June 10 at 7pm.

Our dedication celebration is next Sunday at 2pm. After the usual morning worship, a covered dish dinner will be available. Then at 2pm there will be special music and a guest speaker.

The RUGGED Youth group will be hosting dinner on June 14 at 5PM on a donation basis. BBQ pork sandwiches, beans and chips.

The RUGGED Youth group is also hosting a Parent’s Night Out on June 17. For $10 per hour, per child, they will baby sit for you to have an evening out. A lock in is also planned that night.

Don’t forget to sign up for Bill and Janice Wall’s 50th anniversary party. The sign up sheet is on the table in the foyer. See the announcement attached to the sheet for full details