Tonight the deacons will meet immediately after the evening worship.
The school board meets on Thursday night at 6:30 pm. All board members are needed. Guests are also welcome.
The St. Johns River Baptist Association is holding an evangelism training on Saturday, January 13th at their office: 707 Laurel St, Palatka. The time is 9am until 2pm and includes lunch. The cost is free. RSVP by calling 386-328-5575.
A church safety conference will be presented by the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office on January 25 at 7pm at McDowell Baptist Church in St. Augustine. Please RSVP by calling 386-328-5575 by 1/22/18.
The first Sunday of each month is our designated Joash Chest Sunday. Everyone collects loose change for a month and then brings it to fill the chest.