Vacation Bible School is coming up in just three weeks!

Last week’s special offering raised $406.00 for the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. Thank you for giving to change the life of One More Child in 2018! Hillcrest Academy’s Awards Night and Graduation will be this Thursday evening at 6:30. The…

Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day. We want to honor all the ladies this morning. The annual Mother’s Day offering goes to the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. Together, resolve to give your best gift to change the life of One More Child in…

This evening is the fifth Sunday night sing

We had a wonderful day at Freedom Fest yesterday. Thank you to everyone who came out and worked so hard. This evening is the fifth Sunday night sing. Come, bring friends and hear some wonderful, Hillcrest talent. The Ladies Bible…

Hillcrest Academy will be selling ribs on May 5

The quarterly church council meeting is this evening after the evening service. The monthly business meeting is this Wednesday evening after the Bible study. Hillcrest is hosting the semi-annual meeting of the St. Johns River Baptist Association on Thursday, April…