1-12-2025 Notes

Notes for the week of 1/12/2025 The monthly business meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday evening after Bible Study. On February 7, from 6-9 pm we’ll have a Valentines Day Dance. Bring finger foods and come hang out and fellowship.…

1-5-2025 Notes

Notes for the week of 1/5/2025 Our Lottie Moon Christmas offering emphasis raised $977.00. Thank you to all who contributed. Today, David Tyson will begin a new Sunday School class for the teens. The deacons will meet after the evening…

12-29-2024 Notes

Notes for the week of 12/29/2024 Our Lottie Moon Christmas offering emphasis raised $830.00. Thank you to all who contributed. Our Fifth Sunday Night sing is tonight. Come support the local Hillcrest talent! Tuesday, New Year’s Eve we will gather…

12-22-2024 Notes

Notes for the week of 12/22/2024 Our church Christmas party is after the morning worship. Please stay and enjoy the food and fun, white elephant gift exchange game.  We are putting “in memory” ornaments on our tree in the foyer. …

12-15-2024 Notes

Notes for the week of 12/15/2024 The Girls Chasing Jesus Christmas party is tomorrow evening. Please bring a wrapped ornament to exchange. Husbands are invited Our church Christmas party is next Sunday after the morning worship. Please bring a dish…

12-8-2024 Notes

Notes for the week of 12/8/2024 Our church cantata “Jesus, There’s Something About That Name” will be presented December 8th in the morning service. Then that evening a piano concert with Jeff Clegh. The One More Child project is collecting…