Choir practice this evening for an Easter cantata. All are welcome, meet here in the sanctuary at 5:30pm.
Monday the Girls Chasing Jesus Bible study ladies Bible study will meet at 4:30pm.
The Hillcrest Jamboree Music Club meets on Mondays at 4:30 also, here at the church. All who are interested are welcome.
Get a calendar from the foyer rack to keep up with all the events this month.
Sunday school classes for every age group begin on Sundays at 9:45am.
A quilting group meets at the Youth House on Friday mornings. They make quilts for children in foster care. If you would like to assist, see Mary Sheffield or call 386-328-2853.
There is a basket on the table in the foyer. If you have a question, jot it down and put in the basket. Then attend on Wednesday night for answers.
Next Sunday we will take up the Joash chest collection. It is a special monthly collection for the building fund.
Quincy Masters will be giving a talk about the records funeral homes store for anyone interested in genealogy or history of Palatka on March 2 at 7pm at 321 St. Johns Ave.
Saturday we are planning a work day at the church. All are needed and we will start around 8am before it gets too hot outside.