Notes for the week of 11-20-2022

The church wide Thanksgiving dinner will be today (11/20) after the morning worship. The meat will be provided, please bring side dishes.

Hillcrest Academy is planning a float in the Christmas Parade this Friday evening. Come out and support our kids.

Hillcrest will soon be “selling” snowflakes to decorate our tree. For $10 you can have a snowflake (or two or three), in honor or in memory of someone. All proceeds will go toward our Lottie Moon Christmas offering.

The church Christmas party will be December 18 with a White Elephant gift exchange. Bring an inexpensive gift to exchange.  

The ladies bible study group is planning a Christmas party on December 12, 2022 at 5:30pm and husbands are especially invited.

Choir practice Sunday afternoon at 5:30. Come help us get ready for Christmas!

Monday evening at 5:30 our weekly Women’s Bible Study continues. Girls Chasing Jesus!

Sunday school classes for every age group begin on Sundays at 9:45am.

quilting group meets at the Youth House on Friday mornings. They make quilts for children in foster care. If you would like to assist, see Mary Sheffield or call 386-328-2853.

There is a basket on the table in the foyer. If you have a question, jot it down and put in the basket. Then attend on Wednesday night for answers.