Happy Mother’s Day. We want to honor all the ladies this morning. The annual Mother’s Day offering goes to the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes. Together, resolve to give your best gift to change the life of One More Child in 2018!
Worship Under the Stars will be held at Trinity Baptist on Friday evening from 6-9 pm. A love offering will be accepted.
Francis Baptist Church is hosting a “Wonderful Weekend for Women” on Saturday, May 19 from 9am—3pm. Cost is $15 and lunch will be catered by Niko’s. Call 386-325-1717 to RSVP.
Hillcrest Academy’s Awards Night and Graduation will be on May 24 at 6:30 pm. The church is invited to come help them celebrate. You will get to meet some of our students’ parents and make connections with them.
Vacation Bible School will run June 10 through June 14 from 6 to 8:30 pm. See Emily Smith to volunteer to assist.