Category Notes

TODAY – lunch of burgers, fries and cherry pie

A memorial gathering for the Rev. Billy Graham will be at Master’s Funeral Home this afternoon from 2-5 pm. It is open to all who wish to attend. Cards and letters will be sent to the family. Next Sunday we…

Joyce Espey is coming next Sunday morning

Joyce Espey is coming next Sunday morning for a mini concert during the morning worship. Please be prepared for a love offering On Saturday, the church is going on a two hour river cruise in Daytona. They want us to…

Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday

The RUGGED Youth are going to Youth Quake Live on Friday evening. If you would like to attend, contact Brian or Tiffany for details. On February 9, Hillcrest Academy is hosting a spaghetti luncheon from 11am—2pm at the East Palatka…

The church council meets this evening

The church council meets this evening after the worship to plan events for February, March and April. We need your input on some very important events. A church safety conference will be presented by the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office…