Announcements for The Week of 2-9-2020

Choir practice resumes Sunday evening at 5:30 pm. Everyone is invited; so if you want to praise the Lord and celebrate His resurrection, please join us.  

The church is having a Valentines Day dinner this Friday at 6:30 pm. Dinner will be provided FREE and it’s not just for couples. Please RSVP today to Christie Lane, secretary, in person or call 325-4500. There will also be an 8 foot long banana split for your enjoyment. 

The Vets Freedom Fest 2020 planning is under way. Vets Freedom Fest will be on April 25. We are going to need donations of baked beans, green beans, cabbage and mayonnaise. Learn more at

The church is having a fish fry fundraiser for the building fund. It is planned for March 14 from 11—3 pm. We will need donations of baked beans, and mayonnaise for the sides.