Announcements for The Week of 2-16-2020

Fresh flowers are provided today by Lee Schumacher in memory of Bea’s birthday tomorrow.

Thanks to the cooks for our Valentines Day dinner and banana split. It was delicious and so much fun.

The monthly business meeting is this Wednesday evening after the Bible study.

The Vets Freedom Fest 2020 planning is under way. Vets Freedom Fest will be on April 25. We are going to need donations of baked beans and green beans.

The church is having a fish fry fundraiser for the building fund. It is planned for March 14 from 11—3 pm. We will need       donations of baked beans.

The Academy is collecting Box Tops for Education. But instead of clipping box tops, you now bring your grocery receipts to Lisa for her to scan into the system. The school earns cash for each box top.