Wednesday is the annual “See You at the Pole”

We have collected $331.00 for The Maguire State Mission offering so far. Your opportunity to assist concludes today.

Wednesday is the annual “See You at the Pole”.  This is an opportunity for kids of all ages to gather around the flag pole before school and pray.

The Deacons and wives training at Southside Baptist Church is on   October 5 from 6:30—9 pm. There will be a dinner, instructional sessions and worship.

Homecoming is October 7. Help spread the word to former members, friends and family. Eternal Vision will be here for a concert after the dinner on the grounds. Plan to stay all afternoon.

We will have a clean up and yard work day this Saturday beginning at 8 am.

Next Sunday is a fifth Sunday night sing. So get your music ready and come to worship in song.