12-22-2024 Notes

HBC - 111th year

Notes for the week of 12/22/2024

Our church Christmas party is after the morning worship. Please stay and enjoy the food and fun, white elephant gift exchange game. 

We are putting “in memory” ornaments on our tree in the foyer.  We are asking a $10 donation for each and all   proceeds go to Lottie Moon Christmas offering. See  Mrs. Roberta for the ornaments and help fill the tree. We have $290 so far in ornaments and $160 additional.

Christmas Eve we will worship at Trinity Baptist Church in at 6:30 pm. The address is 5027 Silver Lake Dr. There will be a drama presentation of “From the Manger to the Grave”

We will have Wednesday services on Christmas at 6:30 pm.

Fifth Sunday Night sing is next week. Get your music ready!

The One More Child project is collecting donations of toys or cash to provide gifts for children in Foster Care. There is a list of suggested gifts and more information in the rack in the foyer.

Dianne and Richard Bair wish to have substitutes occasionally with Children’s Church. We need some  volunteers to help out. See the Bairs if you are interested.

The Hillcrest Library is open!  Jean Brewer and some others have created a room full of books. Just sign them out as you take them home.

Our services are live on HillcrestLife.org on Sunday mornings. You can also see archived sermons.

Our weekly recorded services are now available on our YouTube channel. Go to: https://youtube.com/@hillcrestpalatka/videos/
Be sure to hit the SUBSCRIBE button, it helps us get noticed.

Sunday school classes for every age group begin on Sundays at 9:45am.

Get a calendar from the foyer rack to keep up with all the church events.

There is a basket on the table in the foyer. If you have a question, jot it down and put in the basket. Then attend on Wednesday night for answers.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Facebook Link
See us on YouTube

Pastor: Rev. Willie McKinnon Jr.
Pastor Email: pastor (at) hillcrestlife.org

Secretary Email: secretary (at) hillcrestlife.org


2009 President St, Palatka, FL 32177


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