We have been collecting non-perishables for Thanksgiving baskets. If you haven’t already given, you can donate funds toward any still-needed items.
We will be collecting for Christmas baskets as well. So keep on buying extra groceries!
Today the church-wide Thanksgiving dinner follows our morning service. Everyone is invited to come fellowship and share this special meal for thanks-giving.
On Thanksgiving Day, here at the church there will be a meal provided for all who do not have a family gathering to attend. They will begin eating around 2pm. But come a little early and fellowship. Vicky Dennis and Ruth Krantz invite you ALL.
Emily Smith and Lisa Yaunk are hosting a youth group on Wednesday nights at 6:30. Pray and invite!
Dianne and Richard Bair wish to have help with Children’s Church. We need a volunteer or team to assist occasionally. See Pastor Willie or the Bairs if you are interested.
In the foyer you will also find special envelopes for mortgage principal donations.
The Girls Chasing Jesus Bible Study group will meet Monday evening at 5.
Get a calendar from the foyer rack to keep up with all the events this month.
Sunday school classes for every age group begin on Sundays at 9:45am.
A quilting group meets at the Youth House on Friday mornings. They make quilts for children in foster care. If you would like to assist, see Mary Sheffield or call 386-328-2853.
There is a basket on the table in the foyer. If you have a question, jot it down and put in the basket. Then attend on Wednesday night for answers.